Anti-fog Coating

A newly developed lens coating, Anti-Fog prevents the rear lens surface from fogging up.

Newly developed lens coating that prevents the rear lens surface from fogging up.

When does fog appear?

When humidity coming off the body gets trapped behind the lenses, and the lens temperature is lower than that of the trapped humid air, then the rear surface of the lenses fog up.

Anyone who wears glasses is likely to have experienced the discomfort of blocked vision when the rear surface of their lenses fog up, virtually blinding them. This can be uncomfortable, disturbing, or even dangerous.

It can happen when stepping out in the cold, or when entering an air-conditioned environment, and it's most likely to happen during strenuous activity when the body is giving off more heat, and humidity gets trapped behind the lens.

Anti-Fogging Coating

A newly developed lens coating, Shamir Anti-Fog prevents the rear lens surface from fogging up. It does this by adsorbing the fog that accumulates on the lens.

Who benefits from Anti-Fog coating?

Anti-Fog coating is suitable for anyone who regularly experiences rear lens surface fogging. These will most likely be people engaged in:

  • Sports, both indoors and outdoors
  • Work that involves strenuous activity
  • Professions where safety glasses are required


Anti-Fog can be applied to clear 1.6 monofocal and progressive lenses, and is suitable for any frame.

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